Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Okay, Hi??

Okay, hi. Sup. Hola. I AM RUNNING OUT OF GREETINGS!!! ANYWAYS, I made an oath to myself that this status will be super-long. First, I neeeeeeeeed to show you this vid that is AWESOME! Click ittt. CLICK IT!!! lol it is SOOO cute. No kitteh, this is mah pot piee! okay, 2nd thing: I am going to tell you something. This is for my own purpose, but hey, it's random, yah? ANYWHO, you all should go see the Justin Bieber movie. EWWW ikr!?!?!? But I have a total reason for seeing this movie. HIS 3-D GLASSES ARE PURPLE! Hav u seen peeps walking around with those 3-D glasses with the frames popped out? For some sort of reason, they're super popular. But I really need a pair of those PURPLE 3-D glasses. Did I mention that purple was my fave color? I would think it's obvious because I type in purple most of the time. lol. OKAY and 3rd thing: I have a sister.  A sister WEBSITE! Come on ova and visit my buddy PinkNoodles, on her blog, Totally Random. Okay, uh... I don't have the link rite now, but... yeah i'll post it l8r. THIS WAS EDITED LATER, SO IT IS LATER, so here's the link: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY FORGOT THE RANDOM PIC!!!!! (I really didn't, i just saved best 4 last LOL) It's "My spoon is too big" vid on youtube. IF YOU WANT TEH LINK, THEN GO GET IT YOURSELF! nah, here it is: Okay, BYEEEE

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